Views of parents with preschool children on computational thinking and educational robotics


  • Levent Durdu Author
  • Funda Dağ Author
  • Tuğba Konaklı Author


During the pandemic period, all levels of education, including pre-school, partially or completely moved to online education as a means of emergency remote teaching. With the transition to online education, teachers, students, and parents became more aware of the use of technological tools in education. With this awareness, parents have been introduced not only to technological tools but also to new concepts related to children’s cognitive processes. These concepts include computational thinking (CT), which has been frequently encountered in different levels of education in recent years, and educational robotics (ER) as one of the methods applied in the development of CT. Several studies have been conducted to determine and improve the CT skills of students at different educational levels, such as primary, secondary, and higher education. At the preschool level, there are fewer studies on CT, which is mostly addressed through unplugged activities and educational robotics. As a part of 21st century skills, the relationship between CT and pre-school education is an issue that has been investigated to a limited extent. This descriptive quantitative survey model study explored the opinions of parents of preschool children about computational thinking and educational robotics applications. The participants of the study consisted of 84 parents in Kocaeli province. The participants were accessed through convenience sampling, and the data were collected using an online questionnaire. According to the results of the study, the majority of the parents stated that they believed that children in preschool education should have experience in CT and ER. Parents stated that they would like to learn more about the benefits of CT and ER for children and their learning. In this direction, it is suggested to organize seminars focusing on the importance and content of CT and ER for pre-school.







How to Cite

Views of parents with preschool children on computational thinking and educational robotics. (2024). Journal of Computer Education, 2(2).