Examining Teachers' Self-Efficacy and Technological Formation Levels Related to Educational Technology Standards
The aim of this study is to examine teachers' self-efficacy and technological formation levels regarding to ETS. Within the scope of the study, the general survey model, one of the quantitative research methods, was used. Working group consisted 414 teachers working in the province of Amasya, at different school levels under the Ministry of National Education, in the 2022-2023 academic year. In this study, the study group was determined by the convenience sampling method. "Teachers' Self-Efficacy Scale for Educational Technology Standards" and "Technological Formation Scale for Teachers" were used as data collection tools. The analysis of the data in the study was carried out using the (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) SPSS 26 program. Relationships between the variables were calculated with independent sample t-test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), correlation and multiple regression analysis from parametric tests. According to the t-test findings, while teachers' self-efficacy regarding educational technology standards shows a significant difference in terms of gender, their technological formation levels do not show a significant difference in terms of gender. According to ANOVA results, self-efficacy and technological formation levels show a significant difference in terms of seniority. Correlation analysis findings showed a positive and significant relationship between self-efficacy and technological formation levels. According to the correlation analysis findings; a positive and significant relationship was found between self-efficacy and technological formation levels. According to multiple regression analysis findings, self-efficacy is a significant predictor of teachers' technological formation level.